We have partnered with The Family Jewels Foundation on our GoFundMe Portion of our production fundraising.   A portion of the funds raised through GoFundMe will support Awareness and Education Programs presented be  The Family Jewels Foundation

The Family Jewels Foundation 

“It just kept getting bigger and bigger, but I was too embarrassed to tell my mom.”
These words haunt Jaimeson Jones’ family. Because of the 14-year-old’s embarrassment about the pain and swelling in his left testicle, by the time he was finally diagnosed with testicular cancer, his disease had spread all the way up to his neck. Despite the poor prognosis for his recovery, Jaimeson fought his way through aggressive treatment, and his cancer went into remission at age 15. Tragically, after 41⁄2 years, it recurred, and after even more-horrific treatment, he died in 2010 at age 20.

This didn’t have to happen.

There is a gap in health education around this topic. Unknown to most, testicular cancer is the #1 cancer in men ages 15-44. Importantly, it is 95-98% curable when caught early. Unfortunately, due to the very nature of young men — feeling invincible, not wanting to seek medical care and, perhaps most of all, embarrassment — half of all men with testicular cancer do not seek medical care until the cancer has spread to other parts of their body.
Tragically, over 300 men every year die of this highly-curable disease.

Our vision is to stop these preventable deaths.

The Family Jewels Foundation uses its passion for men’s health to deal head-on with the
uncomfortable but critical topic of testicular cancer. FJF demonstrates its willingness to push
through awkwardness and embarrassment by implementing a tongue-in-cheek approach, providing humorous and accessible education to prevent boys and men from dying of this highly-curable disease.

The Heroes Foundation is our Fiscal Partner For Corporate Support

Praxis Media Group has partnered with the Heroes Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) public charity.  Organizations or individuals can support the production of Defeat Of A Killer and receive a tax deductible benefit by submitting support for the project to the Heroes Foundation.

Our Story

The Heroes Foundation exists because of people who confronted cancer and fought the good fight.  The spirit, determination, and commitment of these people to survive are the legacies and characteristics that spurred the Foundation.  Conceived in October 2000, the Heroes Foundation started as an idea among friends.  Vince Todd Jr., was fighting his own personal battle with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and wanted to assist others that suffered from similar diseases.  Vince ultimately won his battle. His optimism coupled with the unconditional support of his family and friends created the spark that ignited the group. An idea that resulted in the Heroes Foundation was born.

The organization officially took the name, Heroes Foundation, in May 2001.  As a registered 501(c)(3) public charity, the mission of the Heroes Foundation is to provide meaningful support to cancer patients, education to promote cancer prevention and resources to advance research for a cure.

Our Mission

To provide meaningful support to cancer patients, education to promote cancer prevention and resources to advance research for a cure.